
To be a burden, annoyance or bother to any person is something I have never wanted. Knowing that this is how I’m being perceived hurts and makes me sad. At times I wish my life was more predictable but as my family grew from 2 to 8 members, children’s lives began to take on beautiful shapes with schedules of their own and with our dental practice quadrupling in size and responsibilities, I’ve had to learn to be flexible. This flexibility and attempt to make everyone in my circle of life happy occasionally comes back to haunt me. I’m aware that I can’t please all people but it gives me energy and happiness when I do. Another heartache is when assumptions are made about my actions. Just as I don’t know others daily life experiences and am not walking in their shoes, I yearn for others to reciprocate that awareness of my life before jumping to conclusions about what I do or say. I can say with conviction that my intentions are always good, it serves no one to do anything else. No one except for myself can see life thru my eyes and attempting to explain, describe or justify would take a lifetime. For it is through all my life experiences that I operate.
Changes are inevitable, they are a part of life. Its sometimes less difficult to become complacent but my journey has opened up my eyes to the beauty of embracing all that comes our way, good and not so good. Our expectations based on how things used to be can block the view of our own growth and positive opportunities that lie ahead. Peoples lives evolve and with each decade our perspectives are made from different angles due to our experiences and present moment situations. I love life and I choose to focus on what’s good. There have been numerous occasions when pain and suffering try to derail me but through faith and perseverance I manage to get back on the track. It’s the set backs that we learn the most from for they teach us to recognize what’s working and what’s not. If life fulfilled all our expectations our gratitude and empathy for others would be non-existent.
As autumn approaches I begin to take on a state of reflection and contemplation. I missed this season when I lived in the south. The changing colors, temperatures and energy symbolizes our life. Our bodies, minds, and environments are always growing and autumn reminds me of the impermanence of life and thus the importance of savoring what we have before its gone. As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, “The only constant is change.” Although I’d have to argue with that just a bit……my Love for my children and husband will FOREVER remain strong and unchangeable.