Mamas little Girl

Five boys and one girl, how blessed I am! My relationship with each one is special and unique. Raising boys has been quite exhilarating to say the least! I am grateful to have had the opportunity to see what it was like raising a girl as well. All my children have filled my life with joy beyond words and even the occasional heart aches manage to make us closer in different ways.

At present I am preparing for the celebration of my daughter’s high school graduation. I’ve known that this day would come when as my mom did for me, I too would give my little girl her wings and assure her that she always has strong roots within her family . I learned from my mother, to look to God for guidance and strength and to be loving, kind, understanding and authentic. These virtues are what I wrap around my princess and know that by the Grace of God she will brilliantly shine her beautiful lite as she goes out into the world.

I’ve told her many times that she has been the little girl that I wish i could have been. Her confidence and fearless approach to life has been exciting to witness as all of her brothers would presumably agree. 😉

For as long as I can remember she has turned to music and singing as a friend. It’s been her comfort and security most of her life and I’ve been reminded of that as i sift through her box of pictures and memories.

Soon she’ll be off on her journey of fascinating discoveries and I am confident that my precious daughter Ariana will continue to succeed in all that life presents. My love for her is endless and I pray that she always remembers that I am her #1 fan!!❤

2 Replies to “Mamas little Girl”

  1. Instilling in our children how to love themselves is a great gift. We give them years of education but teaching them to love themselves is just as important.

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