For today Lord

If everything in life is connected then every action, thought and word that we put out into the universe affects everyone and everything. The results of what we do today definitely affects our tomorrows. Procrastination adds more work to our future to do lists so I try hard to stay abreast of my daily callings. The activities that cause most stress are the things that are easily pushed aside, so today  I pray for strength and determination to follow through on my responsibilities whether fun or not. It’s hard for a mother of 6, grandma of 1 beautiful boy whom I don’t see nearly enough, a wife and co-business owner, to stay in touch with herself and prioritize. Faith in believing there is always someone I can turn to has been my salvation for I know that I could not have survived all the duties presented to me in this earthly life. The blessings have been many but the struggles sometimes attempt to fog my view of them.